Elevate your practice
with next generation multi-omic testing
Test your patients without a lab draw.

Early insights + health scores + auto-generate personalized protocols. We show you metabolic issues and precisely how to make substantial improvements.

Powering Advanced
Patient Care

Unlock Unparalleled Wellness

Propel Your Practice Forward with Theriome
In the rapidly evolving landscape of precision medicine, the volume of emerging research is staggering.
Assimilating these scientific advancements into daily practice is now insurmountable — even for even the most distinguished clinicians.
Theriome dramatically reduces the lag time between clinical research and beneficial patient outcomes.
Theriome's exclusive testing suite can catapult your practice to the forefront of medical innovation with minimal resource allocation.
Seize this unique opportunity to leverage the latest medical research, transform patient lives, and propel your practice forward.
Unlock Unparalleled Wellness
Our science team has collaborated with
We Are Scientists with a Mission
Meet our teamHear From Our Customers
Robert Talac, MD, PhD
Adrijana Kekic, PharmD
Gail King, MD
Our science is published in these scientific Journals
See Sample Report, Case Studies, and Physician Guide

Click the button below to get access our physician guide on personalized medicine, case studies with the Theriome test, and sample reports. In addition, we will send you a video tour of Theriome's and how he processes samples.
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